When you lose your spouse you lose more than one person.
You lose your best friend.
You lose your lover.
You lose the one you go to church with.
You lose your companion.
You lose your confidant.
You lose your ready-made date.
You lose your traveling partner.
You lose the one you spoon with.
You lose the one you take walks with.
You lose the one you drink coffee with in the morning.
You lose the one to hold hands with.
You lose your business partner.
You lose your shower partner.
You lose the one that takes care of you when you're sick.
You lose your TV-watching partner.
You lose the one you go to the store with.
You lose the one to help make decisions.
You lose the one to just sit on the porch with and talk.
Most people don't realize just how much of an impact losing your spouse has on your everyday life!
One loses everything..💔
So true... 💔