What Stops You From Increasing Your Chance of Finding Someone by Tony Mayer
Many members of our (Facebook) groups are hesitant to post regularly for some reason. Why not increase your chance of finding someone by creating dating posts regularly? We, unlike a conventional dating site, don't have dating profiles that never move and stay visible. We create "dating posts".
The nature of a Facebook group is that when new posts are added the older posts are "bumped down" the group page. Not everyone gets on Facebook every single day, and by the time they do, they may have completely missed your dating post if you don't post regularly.
We also have many new members join every single day. This is why we have always recommended that you post a dating post at least once a week if not daily. No one is going to message you because they are interested in you if they don't even know you are a member!
You are NOT going to look "desperate" or "pushy" or anything like that by posting regularly. Posting dating posts is the ONLY reason we EXIST. The members who don't understand that will likely be the last ones to become one of our many success stories.
And, while I'm on the subject of success stories, we do have a "Grandfather Clause" which allows members to stay even after they have found their new love to encourage others. I'm sure that you have read many success story posts if you are not a brand new member. Why not increase your chance of finding someone by posting regularly?
I have no way of knowing exactly how many success stories WWD has had any more than any other dating site does, but I CAN tell you how many I DO know about. Not everyone chooses to announce their story in the groups, but as the Founder of Widow / Widower Dating I (certainly not that it's required or that I expect it) have received many 'Thank you' notes via email and messenger. I used to keep track of the success stories. I stopped in 2020 or 2021 roughly. At that time we had 300,023 success stories (that I KNOW of). Can you imagine how many there are that I don't know about?...
This blog entry is being written in the hopes that many more of you will drastically improve your chances of becoming one of our success stories by posting dating posts more often! As I said above, no one is going to reach out to you if they don't even know you exist!
You can look through our archives for other blog entries for advice on how to post a great dating post.
On a last note, if you don't know how to check for "Message Requests" (messages from people who are not on your friends list), you may already have members who have/are trying to contact you. Simple, detailed instructions with screenshots for checking for Message Requests can be found in the Featured Posts of any WWD group.
WWD has been bringing happy couples together for almost 18 years. I hope you find your next person here too! Finding a new love is the way we truly find joy and happiness again. It is the ultimate form of "grief support". We never stop loving our late love. We simply keep them tucked safely in our hearts and memories, and that is always easier and better when done with someone else who "gets it".
Happy hunting!

Great advice!