Regressing by professional author Andy Willoughby
I don’t want to throw a damper on your New Year but I need to ask for your prayers. I seem to be regressing.
Every day I find myself acting more like a teenager. I never say no to fun. I am trying new stuff all the time! I go to bed when I get tired and get up when I wake up. I want to spend all my time hanging out with my friends. Just to be sure I keep that time full I do everything I can to make new friends. I’m always going somewhere.
I have no filter! I just say the first thing that comes out of my mouth! Like “I love you!” “You sure are pretty!” “I miss you!” “I’m proud of you!” “You want to go hiking?” If I am thinking it, I’m saying it!
Oh and I think about kissing a lot! I don’t pass up any chance because I figure any kiss I don’t get is wasted forever but any I do get can never be taken away. I’ll hug almost anyone, even guys!
I can’t seem to make myself worry about anything. I even silence my phone at night, if the kids need me in the middle of the night they will have to come over and beat on the door. I figure they better learn to handle their own crisis cause I’m likely to be out of town anyway.
I don’t listen to the news, it happens whether I’m watching or not and if it is important somebody who worries will tell me about it! I am not even worried about our country. I vote and figure I did my job. Of course, they are morons but aren’t we all? If I don’t like what they do I’ll vote for someone else next time, maybe even hang out a sign for somebody I like but after that, it is God’s problem.
I’m not thinking about the world I am leaving for my kids and grandchildren I thinking about sending them a text to tell them I am proud of them and that I love them or when I can see them next. The world has always been a mess for people who don’t feel loved.
I have developed a habit of shirking responsibility. I leave all the hard stuff to God. I do what I can do and dump the rest on him. Why should I worry about money? He is rich! If things get tough I will just mooch off of him! I know it is irresponsible but it sure feels good!
I will confess I get a little morose when I think about all the love that has moved on to Heaven and I start missing them. But then I think, every day we are getting closer. Before I know it I’ll be having dinner with them and somebody else will be missing me. Makes me feel better and kind of important.
I feel like I haven’t got a care in the world. Am I setting a bad example?
I am sure by now you have realized that the first and last paragraphs of this story were written in jest. I actually feel happier, more at peace, and more content than I have in a long time. Getting priorities right enhances everything about life.
(I always love it when you share my posts. My book “The Reluctant Bachelor-Learning to smile with a hole in your heart" is available at Andy Willoughby)
*(Editor’s note; May we ALL be fortunate enough to regress as Andy has! I hope you all have an amazing 2023!!!)*
I would give this 10 stars if I could. Great perspective, Andy!