God is Good by Juanita Hinkhouse
I often wonder if what we want is really a second chapter. Sometimes we read a book and it does not end as we wanted it to, much like our past relationships.
I have closed the book to my love story, don't get me wrong by no means will I forget what I had with my amazing husband, but with that being said I will begin a new love story one day and it will be different than the first.
What I will do is give thanks to God for another chance at love. I will make each day count as a good one and live a life of love and happiness. So as we all hope and pray for the next love story of our lives, I will pray God will bless you all with what you want in his time.
Sit back and enjoy the wait, He has good things in store for you. When it is time you will know it. I wish you all a good night's rest may you all be filled with the Holy Spirit and may your awaken refreshed and ready for a wonderful day. Praying for love for you all. Have a good night.
Remember God is good all the time and all the time God is good.